تحت رعاية معالي وزيرة الهجرة وشؤون المصريين بالخارج السفيرة الدكتورة نبيلة مكرم اتشرف بالمشاركة كمحاضر في هذا اليوم العلمي لجراحات المياة البيضاء المعقدة وزرع العدسات.
On the behalf and care of her Excellency Minister Of Immigration and Egyptian Expatriates Affairs Ambassador Dr. Nabila Makram; I am announcing this unique ophthalmology scientific event “GREAT MINDS” in Cataract, Medical Retina, Cornea and Refractive surgery. In collaboration with Al Watany Eye Hospital WEH and Watany Research and Development Centre WRDC, Cairo, Egypt. Will be on Friday July 19, 2019 at Hilton Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt. White canyoun meeting Room at 1:00 PM. Under the care of Dr. Ossama Abbas (Orchidia CEO). Sponsored by Orchidia Pharmaceuticals