Multifocal Lenses

This type of lens will allow you to see near and far – similar to varifocal glasses. The lenses work by using several different optical powers at varying points across the lens, and it works by relying on your eye muscles to move when needed in order to bring the correct distance into focus. These work best if they are implanted into both eyes.

  • A large proportion of people, approximately 85 per cent, find that they no longer need to wear glasses for their daily activities once they have made the choice to have these lenses implanted.
  • Multifocal lenses can often offer excellent distance and near vision, meaning that if you work at a computer all day it could be the perfect choice for you.
  • Somewhere between five and ten per cent of patients who opt for this lens suffer some kind of halo or glare when looking at lights at night. However, often, patients claim that this is something that they are able to get used to after a short period of time.
  • This type of lens can sometimes be associated with a struggle with contrast, which may have a negative impact if you are trying to read something in dim light. Of course, it is bad for your eyes if you read in dim light anyway – so this should be avoided whether you have had lens replacement surgery or not.
  • This type of lens is not able to correct astigmatism, which may be an issue for patients who suffer with it. This may not be an issue for much longer, however, as there has been some research into multifocal toric lenses – but how soon these will be available to patients is very much unknown.