Keratoconus Symptoms

Keratoconus Symptoms & Diagnosis

The earliest signs of keratoconus are usually blurred vision and  frequent changes in eye glass prescription, or  vision that cannot be corrected with glasses. Symptoms of keratoconus generally begin in late teenage years or early twenties, but can start at any time.

Other symptoms include:

  • Increased light sensitivity
  • Difficultly driving at night
  • A halo around lights and ghosting (especially at night)
  • Eye strain
  • Headaches and general eye pain
  • Eye irritation, excessive eye rubbing

Keratoconus, especially in the early stages can be difficult to diagnose and all of the above symptoms could be associated with other eye problems. Simply recognizing symptoms does not by itself diagnose keratoconus.

Keratoconus requires a diagnosis from a competent eye doctor trained not only in recognizing the symptoms but also observing signs of keratoconus through direct measurement as well as inspection of the cornea at a microscopic level using a slit lamp.